
High School Set of 62 African American Books

Culturally relevant and historical accurate, this inspiring collection is a boost to your social studies and literacy curricula.



Original price was: $730.00.Current price is: $695.00.


Help teens get excited about reading!

For some, this may be the first time seeing over 50 books grouped together that look like them.  For others, it’s a chance to learn more about people of a different ethnicity.

Teenagers will be encouraged to learn more by reading more about people and events that are often overlooked in American history – the African-American story.  Told through the lens of a variety of authors, this collection of both contemporary and historical books and both hardcover and paperback will help to add diversity and authenticity to the American story.

Culturally relevant and historical accurate, this inspiring collection is a boost to your social studies and literacy curricula.



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