TK – Transitional Kindergarten Set of 32

Colorful, diverse, sometimes rhyming, but always comforting, these messages are just what young children need. Reading Rainbow and Caldecott Honor books are amongst this collection of reassuring messages to help young children transition into a new school setting.  Learning what to expect helps to allay fears and seeing other children in these books with similar concerns helps to smooth the move.



Transitions can be challenging, even for adults.  For children, it might even be scary.  To facilitate a smooth move to a new environment whether from home to kindergarten or from preschool to kindergarten, this set of books is sure to bring comfort.

Carefully selected by a former kindergarten teacher, this set visually depicts diversity of children with textual reassuring messages.  Reading Rainbow and Caldecott Honor books are included.

Consider a set for each classroom to stay on the bookshelf – or buy a set to give each child a book of their own to keep.

Set includes both hardcover and paperback, both new and familiar titles like “Kissing Hand”, “Rainbow Fish and “Little Engine that Could”.



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