Set of 4 – Written by Ruby Bridges

Set of 4 books for children written by Ruby Bridges.  It’s important for people to tell their OWN story.

A valuable resource, first-person accounts to enhance social studies year-round but especially to prepare for Nov 14 – annual Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day.



It’s important for people to tell their OWN story.  Hear Ruby Bridges in these four books she wrote.

Let children learn about this little girl who helped to make America better.  Her parents’ bravery in sending their young daughter to be the first to integrate a school will teach readers valuable lessons of rightdoing, courage and kindness.  Ruby faced angry faces as she walked to school and responded by praying for them.

This was a challenging time in American history, but little Ruby triumphed and helped to make America a better place for all.

Four books in the set –

  1.  I Am Ruby Bridges – hardcover
  2. Ruby Bridges Goes to School – paperback
  3. This Is Your time – hardcover
  4. Through My Eyes – hardcover